Saturday, January 01, 2005

Well, it's a brand new year and nothing has changed. People all over are making resolutions, and probably have already broken some of them in just a few waking hours. I, for one, do not bother with resolutions. It's a false way of setting goals. In fact, I rarely go and set goals, because something in me just hates trying to achieve them. I'm much better off doing things slowly, bit by bit, one day at a time, and for the last year, I think I have done a good job.

I'm back in school and love it. Sure, not everything has been wonderful, and there is a couple of things that I look forward to improving this semester, but no unrealistic goals for me. I don't plan to be the best in my class, but if I do my work and make the effort, I might just manage it. I think that I'm above the class average, but I really don't know. Regardless, I'm not in this programme to win. I'm in it to set my course through life.

2004 started with me ending a relationship with someone I thought was my friend, who I supported and gave my everything to, to the detriment of my finances, my relationship with Rick, and my own personal needs. I was picking up the pieces of what I'd had with Rick after a few turbulent months apart. I had no faith that things would work with him or that we would last more than a few weeks, but I was pleasantly surprised. Over the course of the year, Rick and I have developed a much stronger relationship than we ever had before, that is full of love, (I hope) respect, and fun.

In September, I moved back home with Mom for the first time after seven years or so. I was a bit concerned about it and the changes it might bring, but discovered soon enough that this was one of the best things I could have done. My mother and I have become good friends and enjoy each other's company immensely. I try not to think about moving out again. A year isn't enough. I tell ya, it's really nice to be home. Who ever said you can't go home again, clearly didn't have a mother like me.

Now, this last month has been difficult. I lost a person dear to my heart and watched to loved ones come very close to ruining the lifelong bond they share with another person. A tsunami rolled over a massive number of people and destroyed lives. It put my own grief in perspective and then reminded me just how lucky I really am. If you're reading this, then you're lucky, too.

Please do the best you can this new year, and through out the year. Give and receive graciously, and remember your please and thank yous. Value your own worth and that of the people around you. I wish you good health and happiness and many more new years to come.

Happy New Year.