Friday, August 22, 2008

Names I like/dislike redux

Back in 2002, I made up a list of names I really liked and disliked. One of my co-workers here at the museum is preggers and we were discussing baby names. I dug up my list and sent it to her just for kicks. And it got me thinking. Many of the names I dislike are due to associations with people from my past, but in the last six years, some names have become less heinous thanks to new, positive associations. Still wouldn't give the names to my kids (if I ever have any), though.

Anyway, because I'm enjoying a slightly slow day, here's my new list of names. I'll put a strike-through the names which are no longer on my lists, then I'll add new ones.

Names I liked back in 2002:
Adelaide, Stephen, David, Jude, Claire (hi mom !), Anne, Phalar, Thomas, Jack, Ben, Kieran, Megan (and with an H, but not spelled Meagan), Ian, Catherine, Emma, Aaron, Isaac, Ellen, Justin, Chavah, Olivia, Robert, Jeffrey (and with a G), Julie, Evan, Gregory, Nigel, Johanna, Nathaniel (Nathan), Jasmine, Laurel, Lucifer (shush, it means 'bringer of light'), Michael, Vivian (for either male or female), Claudia, Uriel, Maya (Mom got offended that I hadn't put it on, and yes, I LOVE my name), Ira, Ruth, Judas, Rachel, Matthew, James (not Jim), Solomon, Avrum and Eshe

Names I disliked back in 2002:
Crystal (or with a K), Todd, Ilia, Janet, Jane, Janice (or any other variants), Paula, Dalton, Roy, Gordon, Jake, Lyn (or any variant), Elaine, Courtney, Courtleigh, Caitlin, Jordan (spelling it with a G is fine), Ron, Wendy, Saul, Olive, Larry, Brad, Chad, Chaz (who thought that one up anyway?), Melinda, Alana, Frank, Ursula, Ainsley, Georgina, Harold, Nelly, Roger, Telly, Vince, Bernice, Abner, Mabel, Tammy

Names I can add to my like-list:
Caroline, Maude, Ranier, Evelyn (for a man), Joshua, Ffion, Beverly (male or female), Gareth

And names which go on my dislike-list:
Emily (how did I forget this one before?), Joy, Hilary, Earl

Excellent. Now it is time for lunch. Thank you for allowing me to waste your time.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Oh Internet

The last time I did any serious thinking about my childhood neighbours in Brooklyn and tried to find information on the Internet about them, the resources were a good deal slimmer than they are now.

Anyway, the neighbours in question are the Scopos and the information I refer to is about the death of Joe Sr. I used to play with Joe Jr when I was a little girl. We didn't stay in touch with them when we moved away in the early 80s, but Joe Sr. was killed just days before my nana died and so we were in New York while it was all still being discussed in papers and in passing. Seems my account of how it went was a little off, now that I've found some online resources, including the NYT article, but I was pretty close. There's also a page about the guy who did the hit.

Based on this list, it looks like Joe Jr. is in the Family. Also, apparently he's been indicted in some business. I had kind of hoped that by some miracle he'd have avoided it, but oh well. He had very good table manners as a kid.