Friday, September 19, 2003

On a light note before I say what I need to say; Arwen was put on a tour ! This is the first time someone's created a tour and included me in it without the tour being written by me. Heh. There are a couple other new pieces up in my gallery, too, you might want to check out if you haven't already. Also... ARR, it be Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties ! Get yerselves a pint o' grog to celebrate.

Things are not going well. While I'm thankfully busy like a bee in the camp office and churning out graphics for a client, the other things, the emotional things, in my life feel like they're falling apart. I asked for a break, but it has become clear that talking hurts and Rick has decided the outcome before I have even half thought about it. I want him to be wrong, but the point of all this is because I don't know and need to put it together. It has only been a couple of weeks and yet these last couple of days have felt like months. I have (had?) all that many women want - comfort, companionship, security, love, respect - so what is my problem? I don't know. I was so pleased because initially, it seemed like we were communicating better than ever, and now we're not communicating at all. Oh my God, it feels awful. I feel shredded. It is exhausting in a way that no sleep can solve.

It hurts so much.