Friday, April 25, 2003

Okay. It's been a while. I've been remiss, I admit it. I have ignored my weblog for over a week. Bad Maya, no biscuit. I just had better things to be doing, what with Passover and Easter and being at Mom's and whatnot.

First off: SARS is not scary. Toronto is not filled with people in bubblesuits and I don't walk around in a mask. I'd like to remind everyone that you would have had as good a chance of getting shot by the Virginia sniper last autumn than you now do dying of SARS here in Toronto. People keep comparing it to HIV/AIDS, which is UNBELIEVABLE ! The viruses are not remotely similar except that they are both viruses. Secondly, HIV/AIDS is deadly. you might live five years, or you might live 20, but it's going to kill you. SARS is more than likely not; 100% fatal versus 4%. Hm, you do the math. Also, every case of SARS, but one, have been traced back to Patient One. So, I tend to think it's pretty much contained. The World Health Org can take a short walk off a long pier.

Rant over.

******* Some time later ********

Now that I'm full of coffee and a delicious banana/chocolate chip muffin from The Second Cup (mmmm), I feel better. No one was wearing a mask. It was very sweet that my sister emailed me wishing that she could send me a bubblesuit, but it's not necessary. Really.

Mom and I have set a date for a trip to Detroit later this month. What's in Detroit, you ask? Well, let me tell you ! The Detroit Institute of Arts, where there is what looks to be a magnificent exhibition of Italian Renaissance art. We plan to spend two nights in Windsor for maximum regional discovery and non-exhausting travel for Mom. I'm sure there's plenty to see and do. Megan is hopefully going to come along, which is keen, since she and I have wanted to go to Detroit to look at the beautiful old architecture that is falling to the ground. Excitement !

******* Some time even later ********

Anyway, Passover/Easter went nicely. I had a great time at Mom's and I'm going back for a few more days as of tomorrow. The Seder was probably the most fun we've had at Passover in ages, with an air of relaxation thanks to Mom being off work. I got some miniature painting done, which is a darn good thing because for a while there it seemed like I might never paint again. I've also been busy wrangling A d a m 's thank you and seasons greetings card designs.

Tonight, I'll be doing more of the same and writing covering letters and sending out resumes. God, the resumes. It's my goal to get at least seven sent out to various positions. Oh, the excitement. So, ya, this means that I didn't get the other job. I'm getting used to this. It's an important lesson that I'm learning; previously, I had a tendency to fall into jobs with ease. Well, it's not easy anymore. I'm working at it now, taking the time, doing the research, and eventually, it's bound to pay off. It has to. I won't live on the edge forever.