Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Maybe I should have scheduled my interview at 11am, rather than 10am, as I really didn't feel on top of my game. Thanks to all for the best wishes, I think I really needed them. The company is pretty cool, the people all looked pretty laid back and casual, but I wasn't at ease. The building is nice - the Xerox building at Yonge and Bloor - and the lay-out of the work stations was nice, the cubicles themselves not too small. The salary isn't spectacular by any stretch, but were I offered the job, I think I'd take it because it actually heads me in the direction that I want to go. So, do I think I'll get the job? I'd rather not say.

I'm going to take a quick nap before I get ready to head out to the Petes for Passover. I feel pretty beat. On another note, it's my sister's birthday today: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GINA !!! I'll try to give her a call tonight, before the seder.