Thursday, November 29, 2001

Yesterday was a day of weird feelings. I don't quite know what that means, but let me explain.

It was a pretty busy day at the store, in comparison to the utter lack of busy that has been plaguing it for the last two weeks. There weren't the throngs of people out walking on the street that there usually are, maybe because it was cold out, but half of the people that came in the store, actually bought something. Not bad.

I was pleased by a fellow who walked down the street in a sort of self-percussive way. He had a big drum strapped to his front, which he banged away on in a very merry sort of fashion. He also had a cowbell that he used almost like an exclamation point. Someone must have looked out a window at him because he did a sort of drum-solo serenade and waved up to the windows above store level. It was nice. I liked him.

Having people in the store made me feel sort of peppy, which was enjoyable, and there were no unpleasant people to speak of. There was one very gorgeous woman who came in, looking stylish yet conservatively sharp, and she gravitated to the bondage collars on the shelf. In response to a question she asked, I said, "I really don't know, I'm not into binding my neck." She smiled this amazingly alluring smile, tossed her perfect salon auburn hair and said, "You have to start small and work your way up. Start with a corset, and soon enough, you'll be binding your neck and other parts, too." And then she left the store. She made me feel sort of confused.

Then Nick met me at the store around closing time, and we went to Java. Naturally. There simply is no other place where you can get good food with excellent coffee for under eight bucks. I had the omelette (with hashbrowns, a side salad, and toast) with a big fat cafe au lait. YUM. And that made me feel warm and fuzzy.

While we were there, once we'd finished dinner, we set about doing all sorts of bizarre and silly things in order to attempt to attract the waiter. I taught Nick how to hang a spoon from his nose, and we made lots of noise, and then he started taking off his clothes. TO NO AVAIL. It was like we were invisible. Bah. Finally we just asked for the bill.

We left the restaurant and I remembered that I hadn't put out the store garbage. But I decided to fuck it because it was really cold and I was already losing feeling in my thighs. Canadian Winter Tip #76: DO NOT wear polyester pants in freezing weather without the protection of long underwear and/or a long coat. Brr. Not putting out the garbage made me feel sort of half-assed, which in that situation I guess I was (and I don't mean the fact that I couldn't feel part of my bum).

Nick came over and of course we watched "West Wing" and naturally it was good. It really focused on CJ, giving her a depth we the viewers are only left to puzzle over. What happened in her past to make her feel so strongly about abuse? Always a well-written show.

Then I spoke to Rick and he was bored and I didn't want to talk to him because his blah-ness started to suck away my pep. He was at the boredom stage where he was utterly unreceptive to suggestion for how to amuse himself. No, he didn't want to read. He didn't want to write. He didn't want to be creative in any sort of way, and I didn't feel patient enough to continue the conversation. Sorry Rick, for me being poopy. *smooch*

Nick was a pest. He's always trying to stick his fingers in my mouth, or my ears, or to lick my eyeballs... Nick is gross. I guess I wasn't patient with him either and I started to suggest that he leave some time around midnight. It took another hour to actually get him to go. I was very tired by that point and had lost all sense of fun.

Like I said, it was a bizarre feelings day.

Today, at school, I continue to feel odd. My head hurts, which I blame on the server whirring in the back of the room, and the general electrical buzz. I hate those sounds. Since they located the server in this room, a few weeks back, and combined with the flourescent lighting, the room has become a lot less pleasant to be in. My eyebrows feel heavy with an un-headache, as in, I don't want to take painkiller because I'm not in pain, but my head feels gucky. I feel sort of hostile, too. Not good. Okay, I just took some tylenol. I'll feel better soon.

I'm going to make dinner for Rick, tonight, which hopefully will be nice, since I'm not really going to see much of him over the next while. School is about to kick my ass, if I don't get down with my project. Know what I'm saying?


Uh, ya.