Wednesday, June 19, 2002

I had such a lovely day yesterday once the residual migraine had cleared. That is, until I went down to Heretic where I was greeted with very sad news. It seems that August 15th, 2002 will mark the store's final day. That's right, the store will be closing. The climate (both weather and financial) has been very bad for business, and the last few months particularly so. Rather than making small gains and holding its own, the store has been slipping behind. Both Nicole and Sandra are burnt out, though Nicole, I think, moreso. Super sad. There is talk that Heretic will remain open as an internet boutique, but I'm not sure.

If I can't get another job before August, I'm taking the store's closing to be the basis for a long and much needed holiday. I'd very much like to go to the cottage for a full three weeks, as in the past, however; if I end up with a new job, I will probably have to be more pragmatic and bargain for a week, unpaid, or something.

On a different, but still work-related, note, I'll be helping Nicole work her booth at Toronto Trek 16 on the weekend of July 6th. This was supposed to be the weekend we (being Tanya, Carrie, Carrie's sister, and myself) were going to be girly down at Tanya's, but, frankly, I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to go to T-Trek - especially for free. Also, Nicole and I will be going to the Sci-Fi Expo at the end of August where I will hawk some art and she her clothes (and costumes !). I'm going to put in to the space we get, based on what I'll be selling and what I hope to earn. I would like to have some cards, prints and miniatures for sale. I've never done anything like this before, though. Hopefully, I will have the time at my cottage, so that I can get more art done.

Anyway, tonight I'm going to Red Rose with Rick for delicious Indian food and then he's spending the night. Yay ! Now I'm going home.