Monday, May 06, 2002

Silly me, I forgot to mention, yesterday, that I got an email from my sister, Gina ! I was worried they'd moved and not given me a change of address, or anything, what with the phone number being disconnected. It turns out, they just got new numbers, including one for Gina herself. Both sisters have email addresses and so now it will be a good deal more difficult to lose track of them. I am much relieved.

It's a weirdly muggy day today, with a lack of sun, coolish breeze, and general warm-going-to-rain air. Less than charming, but better than cold. It is supposed to rain, which is good, and it's basically going to remain at nice temperatures for most of this week. I hope they hold out through the weekend, too, since I'm going up to the cottage to visit new-momatron, Kristina. I'm pretty excited.

The OPSEU folk went back to work today, finally, after most of eight weeks of striking. They voted 78% to accept the deal, which is very good, and mostly they're satisfied. The nasty thing is that they all know they were used. There is no good reason that the government couldn't have settled this from the start. Bloody politics. Anyway, I'm very happy that Mom's going back to work today. I sent out an email that said, "Whether you were walking the lines, writing the lines, raising hell, raising money, or honking your horn, you're all great !" Or something to that effect. It was my welcome back to some of Mom's co-workers (and her too). I got happy responses of thanks in reply. I'm glad it's over.

Now it looks like the good people at the Metro Zoo are going to go on strike. We were discussing that (well, me and some of my old buddies in Vert. Palaeo.) on break today in the caffeteria. Not happy times for them, I guess. Good luck to them.

Speaking of zoos, I'm going to barbeque up some steak for myself tonight. Heh, I'm such a sick girl. *laugh* I have to buy some snow peas and garlic powder on my way home, for seasoning and side dishes. Yum ! Hopefully Nick won't be sleeping, because I'm not going to put off my steak craving. There's definitely a down-side to having the patio off his room.