Monday, May 20, 2002

I forgot to mention something that happened to me on Thursday before seeing AotC. I was walking down the street, just outside of Heretic, actually, and it was crumby out, damp but not currently raining, and Tanya and I were walking along. There were lot of people walking by us on either side in both directions. Considering what a crappy day it was, it was pretty busy on the sidewalk. Suddenly, a blue umbrella, of the sort that pop out and open, pushes me aside and this man, older, in his fifties, dressed in blue denim, including cap, moves by me. I stop and glance at Tanya, but she didn't see it. He literally prodded me as though I was cattle. He didn't even try saying "excuse me" or anything, he just shoved me aside.
Me: Excuse me !
Him: No, -excuse- me. (nasty grinning) ...There are two of you; you don't have to take up the whole sidewalk.
Me: (stunned silence) Well... Well, fuck you.
Now, I don't normally swear at men on the street, even when they're harrassing me, but the man treated me like a herd animal. There was a time when men wouldn't THINK of doing that to a woman, but obviously now, these days, even the slightest bit of COMMON CURTESY is lost. Shit. What a jerk.

Anyway, yesterday, Mom came and visited. Hey, wow, that was nice ! She not only brought food, but she also brought her wondrous decorating/visually-thinky mind of hers. While the effect is somewhat dulled tonight as I just brought back the remainder of my crap from Al and Carrie's and have deposited it about the apartment, overall, the place is looking spiffy ! She liked it very much, as well, the apartment, itself, though she agreed that my room was unnecessarily dark. That said, I must note that my fancy window fixing -is- mounted and looks lovely. Mom and I had a bit of a picnic in the living room, enjoying the foods she brought, including the first crop of asparagus from her garden ! Oh yum ! It was a nice visit, and I even managed to entertain her with the awesome video game, ICO, which we now have and I am well on my way to being completely addicted to. Following the visit, she drove me all the way to Rick's which was very generous of her.

Rick, too, did good things with food, preparing a really nice, tangy stir-fry. I made the salad, which was nice and crispy fresh. It was a pretty relaxed evening, especially for Rick who got rather personal with the bottle of wine he'd bought. I had been suffering from a headache so I went easy. We watched that old film classic, The African Queen on television through dinner, and then he put in the original Blade from a few years back (so now I can finally see the sequel). Both films were very enjoyable, if, uh, entirely different. Sometimes it's cozy to just snuggle down into a couch and watch movies.

From Rick's I had to come back to my place in the morning to feed my completely ignored cat, who had spent the night alone because Nick was at his parents' and I, was at Rick's. She had NOT been pleased with being left alone and had ripped into the garbage bag in the kitchen. It's not that she likes to eat garbage, or anything, she only does it when she's bored and insecure. Oh, the joys of owning an half-crazy cat. Anyway, much to her horror, I left her again and drove to work. Work was nothing much worth mentioning - some nice people, some less nice people, the usual. I drove home again to give Willi her dinner and to play half an hour of ICO (I died), and then, yet again, abandoned my cat to head up to Al and Carrie's. I let myself in and upon arrival, pretty much headed straight to the cleaning up of my old room. Not even an hour later, I was all packed and ready to go. Spontaneous adventures then happened.

We went to see Star Wars: AtoC ! They bought the tickets and off we went to Scarborough Town Centre (the same theatre we'd seen Ep. I for the first time in '99). There had been talk of Ryan joining us, but, naturally, he didn't. Good thing they hadn't gotten him a ticket too. So, I was thrilled to see it again, and with them. They're one of the only couples that never make me feel like a third wheel. Carrie said the sweetest thing, "You can't be out of place as a third wheel on a tricycle." She's a real wonderful person. Anyway, seeing the movie again allowed me to see a bunch of things I'd missed in the first viewing, and realise a bunch of things, too. There was a LOT of thought put into this one. Sure, it's not going to be nominated for Best Picture, or anything, but a lot of ends were tied up, and things that take place later in the chronology were carefully set in place here. I enjoyed it as much, if not more, on the second viewing, if only for catching the things I'd missed. Ryan missed out, I guess.

Now I'm home, and surprise, surprise, I'm running through the job ads on, a site Megs-in-Philly just turned me onto. It has tons of entertainment jobs, though a good many of them are short-term, low/no pay jobs. I wouldn't mind hitting New York for fifteen days to get my name in the credits of someone's film. At least it would be experience, though, granted, not the sort that pays the bills. Anyway, I've sent out a couple of inquiries about a pair of jobs that need some artistic vision, or something. Hey, pick me !