Tuesday, February 12, 2002

I could rant about how the Canadian pairs skaters, Sale and Peltier, were screwed out of the gold medal last night, even though the Russian pair that won were technically imperfect and the Canadians gave a flawless skate, but that would be distasteful.

I found out that all this dicking with hours at the museum and anal attention to time in/time out, isn't because my supervisor is a jerk. It turns out, Human Resources (who are neither a resource, nor are they much in the way of human) is coming down on everyone about hours and lieu time and overtime. It's not a good scene, here, and everyone is pretty pissed off. My boss looks like an ass for picking on people, when in truth he is not being given a choice in the matter. Maybe, just to up morale a little more, they should try another round of lay-offs.

I'm not being serious, of course, that would be horrible and this institiution cannot take another hit. After the first major restructuring and then the following redirecting of the museum's purpose (hello, it's a museum - not a fun fair, but never mind that)... I lost my train of thought. But you probably know where I was going with this anyway. Oh, I'm so ranty today.