Friday, January 25, 2002

It's amazing how long a day will stretch when you're somewhere you don't want to be. I do not want to be here, at work, being the membership bitch. Today, despite me arriving before every other part-timer (meaning I should have the choice of computers), I got stuck at the one in the middle of the department. I can only presume that this is so that I can be monitored. Remind me not to assume I have some adult rights at a place I've worked over three years.

I've been quite tense lately, beyond this unpleasant work experience. Of course, there's the move looming closer... faster, closer, faster... I have done next to no packing; my denial is so thick you could spread it on toast. I have to call the storage company today to make sure there's place for my stuff. I'm so depressed. Oh God, this is so depressing. I really like living on Manning, for all the crap my landlady has gifted me with, I love the apartment and location. I had hoped to stay there until *I* was ready to leave, but what can you do? That is not how it is, period.

On a more enjoyable note, Nicky, the grande dame of RoD roleplay (or was), has been giving me recipes that I can try. Heh, who would have thought THAT? She gave me a couple of tips for making a chicken soup out of the carcass in my freezer and I think I'll do that Sunday night after work. It will feed me on the Monday, after I've spent the day packing, or something. Damn, I'm back to my depressing move.

Larry hasn't gotten back to me about being a TA, which means I've pretty much written it off as a no-go. Maybe it will still pan out, but somehow the euphoric feeling has diminished in the space of a week. I don't know. On a positive note, Richard, my old boss at the ROM (when I was a site seller) has agreed to write me a referrence letter. Yay ! Richard likes me.