Wednesday, October 24, 2001

I hate setting out to do certain things and then not doing them. It's something of the story of my life, although something of my life also is me ending up doing many more things than I originally set out to do. Hah ! It all works out, then. Anyway, I woke up at 8:30am and looked out under my window blind and lo, the angel of the rain had come upon us. And the thunder of the Lord shone all around us. And Maya said unto the Lord, "Crap, it's raining." And she did turn over and sleep again, and it was good.

Except, she was supposed to go to Metro Hall and argue a pair of parking tickets. Oh well, Friday. There are 15 days in which to argue parking tickets, and Friday will be day 15. Handy. I was thinking about it, though, and everything else is business days, not including weekends. Then, when it comes to parking tickets, when they really want to fuck you, every day counts. I think that's crappy. For instance, my bank holds my cheques for anywhere between 10 to 30 BUSINESS days. How ridiculous is that?! Parking tickets include weekends, really, just to screw with us. I'd just pay the damn things, except I was parked legally, as in, BEHIND the sign that said permit holders only. And what's in my window? A permit. I suppose the cop might have considered the OTHER sign, some 25 feet away to rule over this sign, which I was clearly behind, but I think one sign rules out the other, especially with five car lengths between them. So, off to court I will go. Merrily. Ish.

I'm sort of thinking I won't bother going to Rocky Horror this Saturday. I have an awful lot of work to do, and since my favourite cast members retired last Hallowe'en, most of whom had been there since I started going nine years ago, I haven't had the desire to go. I said it last year, but it bears repeating. It is as though a massive portion of my life has passed and I must move on. And I have. I only said I would go because Nick asked me to in that puppy-dog sort of way. He's not even here ! He's visiting Evelyn out in the east. I asked Rick if that would bug him, if we didn't go, but he's pretty indifferent. Maybe I won't bother with a costume at all then. I'm too damn tired these days to be bothered by extracurricular silliness, fun though it is. God, could it be, I'm prioritising?
