Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Which of Henry VIII's wives are you?

this quiz was made by the proper Victorian ladies at Spookbot

I finished the first drawing in the new project I've started working on. I don't know if I've talked about it yet, or not, but I'm developing a series of pictures that will be turned into cards, calendars, and colouring books. All of them will be colourable. People like to colour things, even adults. Come on, how many times have you been in a class and have doodled in the margin, or put mustaches on the people in the TV Guide, or at a meeting and coloured in the title? We all do it. Anyway, ya. I'm keyed up. I'm planning the first few drawing to become a colouring book for Stew's goddaughter. Her birthday is coming early in September.

Rick pointed out that it was HE who bought me the mug, so credit goes to him, though I handled every mug to see which one fit best. My selection, his money. Thanks, Rick.

I should also mention exactly what I ate at the barbeque on Sunday because it was a massive marathon of food. Specifically, of meat. I ate beef, chicken, lamb (lots of lamb), quail, and lapin (also known as rabbit). I also enjoyed greek and bean salads, watermelon, corn, and strange "yogurt style snack" food. The last one was much like a yogurty jello shot minus the vodka. In between eating, there was questing, including a pkill, which stands for player killing on the MUD. While no one was killed, there were several people very bruised by the exploding water balloons and greenish from sliding across the grass. I still have a slight bruise from where Hoerkin nailed me in the arm. I'm glad I didn't dodge the way I had intended, because he'd have gotten me in the temple or ear.

I was supposed to go to the Petes for a brief visit to help my mom with her computer. It seems that it's wigging out in a very bad way. It no longer recognises the mouse and it skews all the colours. She's helpless without a mouse, whereas I can generally get around without one if necessary. I'd intended to bring out some programs that might require reloading should everything go kaput, but I can't find the cds. Stupid house cleaning. I've found a number of other things that I'd thought I'd lost, however; so that's kind of handy. It's just not so useful for Mom. I don't know how much point there is to going out, either. Not really. I ought to call her. I have a bit of work to do here in the city, as well, and the sooner it gets done, the better.