Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Last post for a week.

I'm leaving for my cottage in about an hour. I should be up there by about 5-6pm. Ray's accompanying me, which is nearly meaningless since he tends to sleep in the car. I'm dropping him in Ottawa where his daughter will pick him up. There will be lots to do up at the cottage tonight. I'll have to vacuum (ech) and sweep, and clean out the drawers and uncover all the furniture and then dustbust the furniture... All the deck stuff is under the house (I hate going under the house), and the outhouse will need to be cleaned out to rid it of spiders. BLEH. Oh well, I'm a big girl and I'll manage.

Ryan's going to visit and spend a night, coming this Friday and going back to Ottawa on Saturday. That should be fun. We've not spoken much in months, especially since he left Toronto. It will be some quality time without anyone else around, and it's been even longer since we've had one of those visits. Anyway, I'm looking forward to that quite a bit.

I don't have much else to report. Be well, and I'll see you in a week or so.