Monday, January 27, 2003

How I spent my weekend, or, Why bother getting dressed? by Maya Hirschman.

I spent all of Saturday in my nightgown. It was wonderful. Okay, perhaps not 'wonderful' in the truest sense, but it sure was enjoyable. Rick seemed a little surprised by my desire to avoid real clothing, but as I explained to both he and my mother, I planned to do nothing, not even get dressed. Also, I spent most of the day in front of the television watching the NDP convention on the CBC. Like I said, my leadership predictions went right out the window, along with those spoken by people much more experienced in such matters. There were a lot of delays in getting the voting closed and ballots counted, which meant a lot of 'fill' from the correspondents.

"And now to Anna-Maria Tremante who is speaking to Nigel Proose, just some guy waiting in line to vote. Anna-Maria?"

"Thanks Bob, I'm here with Nigel Proose who I found snoozing in the voting line-up. Mr. Proose, are you having a good time here at the convention?"

"Well, I was having a pretty good dream until you stuck this microphone in my face, but otherwise, it's been pleasant. Mostly, I've just been waiting here."

"Mr. Proose, do you know what the delay is?"

"I think it's something to do with computers. I don't know. They told me to wait. I'm waiting."

"May I ask you who you're voting for?"

"Oh well sure. That will be Nystrom. Heh, he puts the nice back in 'strom'. Heh, heh."

"Um, yes. Well, Bob, there you have it. Nigel Proose, you can get back to your napping."

However, once the votes were in, it livened up completely ! People were having a good time regardless of the delays, it seemed, waving their banners and calling out chants and cheers devoted to their particular leader-hopeful. Bev Meslo, who really wasn't running but for the opportunity to give her issues some air time, seemed to be having the best time compared to all the other hopefuls. She was dancing and singing and didn't let slack. Ducasse, the little guy from Quebec, was a stand-out, and everyone really likes him. I missed his speech, but apparently, it was the best of the bunch. He's the future of the party, and the NDP's best chance of gaining a seat in Quebec.

Anyway, I'm probably boring you all with this, so, it's time for a change of subject. Sunday, I was supposed to be at a thing for Carrie, a shower, or whatever, but I ended up waking with a splitting headache and after sitting around for 45 minutes to see if the painkiller would do it's job, I decided to go back to bed. I would have called to cancel, but it was a surprise shower and I didn't want to be a wet towel. If anyone was expecting me to be there, they probably assumed I got lost en route, as usual, and ended up in Bobcageon.

I also spent an awful lot of time in the bathtub this weekend. Not because I was so dirty, but because it's a peaceful place where I can relax, be at ease, and generally not be bothered by anyone. I just close my eyes and listen to the radio (sometimes I read). There are few things that I like as much as a scaldingly hot bath with nothing pressing me for time. I'd take baths in the city, except the bathroom is sort of dark and there's this nasty sliding door that blocks what light there is. I'm considering taking it down and putting up an old fashioned curtain. Anyway, it was nice.

So, summing up my weekend: nightgown, sleeping late, bathtub, eating, and watching television.

I wish I were still there. *sigh*

Oh, and another thing: Adam was re-elected. Huzzah !