Wednesday, November 27, 2002

I always hope for new and interesting things to do when I'm working at the ROM and today I got my wish. Today, for most of the day, I've been emptying the blue envelopes and sorting their contents. Sure, it doesn't sound like much, but it is. I have to run through all the items within, checking the $ totals with the membership forms, sort out the problems when they arrise (I've had some trouble doing that) and get everything to where it has to go. In other words, I spend a lot of time with a furrowed brow and a not insignificant amount of time running around.

At lunch with Cheryl, today, there was a white Neon parking against the curb. We were talking and could hear this sort of computer generated voice, it was quite weird. Suddenly, Cheryl said, "Is that coming from the car?" We stopped beside the Neon and lo ! this is what we heard: "Attention, please, this car is backing up." At that, we both burst into peals of laughter, which probably caused the driver some embarrassment. Silly gadgets.

Rick's coming over tonight and I'm going to cook. I haven't actually cooked anything in a while. Maybe I'll just cop out and buy a ready-made meal. I'm pretty tired. I've got a lot going on and it's only going to get worse. Ya, I think I'll pick up some chicken legs from Dominion and some salad and maybe some ice cream. Nothing fancy, just tasty. Tomorrow I have to go to the bank in order to empty my line of credit. I need all the money I can get in order to get to Philly. This whole venture is going to cost around 600 bucks. I'm definitely not going to make that much back, but if I can sell a couple of originals, plus a few prints, then I can make back some of it, maybe half. It's too late to back out now, I've submitted my convention money.

I watched an older French film with Nick last night called, Mon Oncle. It was delightful and full of subtle sight gags. It's a Jacques Tati film and it was all that Nick said it would be. It's hard to explain, but it was nice.

It was a perfect day and it makes me sad that I had to spend most of it indoors. The sun was shining, the air was sharp and cold, the leaves were rustling down the streets... I love this kind of a day. Maybe this winter won't suck like last year. All the talk about El Nino giving us another hot winter seems to have stopped since this has been most of a month and a half of slightly cooler than usual temperatures. I hope it continues. Call me sentimental, but I do love a white Christmas.