Today I took no chances with the weather. I dug out my fuzzy hat, rather than my fedora or beer toque, bundled myself into my old, long wool coat, and quietly grumbled about still not having picked up my long scarf that I'd left at Nocturnalia. I'd go pick it up today, only it's so cold that I don't want to walk down to Queen and Spadina to pick it up. Of course, if I'm going to walk down to the Bus Terminal... We'll see. I might just balk and grab something to eat before taking the subway.
It's very quiet in the Membership office today. Almost everyone is at a meeting of some sort and the other two part-timers just left. There are only about three of us in here now. It's chilly, too. Just once, I would like the ROM to get the heating/cooling system right. We either freeze or bake, and it bears no relation to what it's like outside. The new system, or rather the updated system, we're now using in the office does not make things easier. In fact, it takes three times as long to enter a new member into the database than it did before. How is that more efficient? It is no surprise that in the time that we, the part-timers, were not upstairs that the whole office fell behind. Three times as long.
I don't know whether the kitten will still be at the appartment the next time I go back. She's been a pleasant addition to the household, even Tobe thinks so on occasion. It's terribly sweet how she curls up in bed and she lies in the sink (and still barely fills it). She's become kind of chatty, chirping and "merring" in her hoarse little voice. If she would stop trying to climb me instead of jumping, that would be an improvement, but even that is only slightly irritating. She's very gentle, though, which is good, not once swatting me with her claws extended. I do like kittens.
I ran into K----- of the campaign today at the Dufferin station. He's looking good. He's glad to be out of the basement where he used to work for the UofT Computer Store. It was a brief chat. He was between two meetings in the area and I was on my way to work. I'm glad things have worked out for him; he's one person that deserved getting a position after all the crap he was put through. Unfortunately, I feel kind of alienated from him because of all the shite that's gone on with me and the rest of the City Hall Crew. If I never speak to B----- again, so be it, I could care less. And as for He Who Shall Not Be Named, I left a message for him at the beginning of the week. Am I surprised that he hasn't returned the call? Not in the slightest. It's nice that he could afford to fly to Sudan but not to pay me. Anyway, this is a three-paycheque month for me, so that is a very good thing.
At some point, we have to take our Christmas tree down. Both the one at my place and the one at Mom's. I guess the one chez moi will have to wait a little while longer, since I'm not really around to deal with it. Mom and I will probably take ours down tomorrow. *sigh* There's no putting it off, the Epifany has passed, the Wise Men have brought their gifts... it's time to move on. So now we enter the lull of winter, when it's still dark for most of the day, without a break to keep us sane. The next long weekend is not until the 9th of April (Good Friday). There's no mid-term break for me, either, being out of school and all. Maybe we should bring back the Feast Days of old... The 20th is the Feast of Saint Sebastian (he'd be the one who got stuck with all the arrows). There was something to be said for Feast Days, you know? They don't even have to relate to Saints. Just Days of Feasting in General.