This morning, I drove into Toronto to work my shift at the ROM and it was such a lovely day, with the exception of my nosehairs freezing between the parking lot and the front entrance. There was an amazing bank of cloud hanging over Lake Ontario, with tendrils of cloud rising up. It must have been an effect of condensation, with fog rising off the water because the air was so much colder. Then all the water crystals just hung there, not really moving. It was like a great, white, fluffy escarpment. Ooooh, I love weather. Even when it's cold. Maybe especially when it is cold. So long as I'm dressed for it. The drive was really easy, the only traffic problems directly over city centre where some stalled cars were stuck in the right hand lanes. In fact, there were a number of stalled cars all the way down Avenue Road to the ROM. I think my final count was five, which made the traffic crawl. Brief entry. Nothing much to report.