Wednesday, January 07, 2004

My God, is it ever cold out - I mean REALLY cold. Winter is here and it's made my toes numb. Tonight was one of those nights when I could have -really- used Scarlette, rather than wait half an hour in the frigid wind up at A&C's place for the bus. Actually, cold does not discribe what it is tonight. The windchill makes it -22C tonight, and that's a whole lot colder than the actual temperature of -12, which is pretty frigging cold. Now, I wouldn't be whiny about this, normally, because as most people who know me know that I like the winter, except I was not dressed for it tonight. I was dressed for it this afternoon, but by the time the full moon was over head, my sweater and jacket weren't cutting it.

I am so cold, that I cannot think of anything else to write about.