Waking up at 6:30 in the morning is a painful process for someone like me, especially when one is awake until 2am the night before. I had not intended to be awake so long, but my brain was just so full of thoughts and musings that sleep was thwarted. When my alarm went off, I was utterly confused. It was dark in my room (depressing) and Willi was there lying against my hip and I just couldn't understand why my alarm was going off in the middle of the night (so I thought). Then I realised that my stereo was talking and I knew that, indeed, it was time to rise. I think we turn back our clocks next weekend so at least I won't be getting up in darkness. Instead, I'll be leaving the office in darkness. Joy.
The cats have been getting along very well recently, though there have been some wee fisticuffs from time to time. They play together sometimes. What used to be antagonising before has become a game, such as the door game. This is played with either one of them behind the door and the other on the reverse side, both of them staring at each other through the little crack between door and wall. They push their paws under the door and thump at each other and then, once in a while, who ever is behind the door leaps out and they start a new game. The chasing game. Initially, they would whip each other up by running up and down the hall, but not after each other, rather, first one would go, then the other moments later. Now they actually chase each other and mostly, it doesn't end in hissing.
I think I'm going to go home for a nap before beginning another run of work here in the evening. I'm flat pooped. POOPED.