After much tumult, the Camp office is now quiet. I'm doing the work I most often do, which is about as exciting as it ever is - that is to say, not overmuch. A few people are out on Sign Crew, but apparently most everyone else is not keen on staying late in the office after 8pm on a Friday. I can't imagine why. I was also at the ROM this morning/early afternoon. I've been given a four-hour shift at the front desk for each Friday of this month. I also have yet to invoice for the contract I was working on earlier this month and before I went to New York.
I was invited to my friend Megan's Alice in Wonderland theme party tonight, but I phoned with my regrets. I shall have very little in way of a life for the next three-and-a-half weeks. I am fairly excited that tomorrow I get to play D&D at A&C's house, but they're all going to a movie before hand and I will be... putting up signs. I had these great intentions toward a Hallowe'en costume, but I probably won't get around to that. Maybe I'll just stay at home and hand out candy to the kids. The thing is, my neighbourhood kind of sucks for costumes. Most of the kids come around in pre-fab, cheap, ill-fitting costumes. I'm spoiled, you see, having grown up where I did, in a community where parents' made their children's costumes by hand. I do get to turn Sierra into a vampire, though, which should be fun.
I'm rambling somewhat. Probably because it's so hard to focus on anything but work. When all this is over, I plan to sleep for a full 24 hours. I also intend to have a long, bubbly bath for most of a day. I am entertaining the idea of going back to New York to help Alfred clean up his apartment, as well; paint it, clean it, organise it. He could use the help and I really like staying with him in Manhattan. All the plans I'm making that relate to a social life pretty much have to take place after November 10 (Election Day). For instance, Rick finally came through on a promise that is something like two-and-a-half years old - Lion King tickets. Better late than never, I suppose. *laugh* Anyway, big thanks to him for that.
My mother's close friend, Ray, is moving away from Peterborough tomorrow. He's leaving for Deep River, north of Ottawa, in order to be closer to his daughter and her family. I said goodbye to him on Sunday night when I was there for Thanksgiving. I think he is both excited and sad to be making a fresh start. I know my mom is a bit sad that he's leaving because they spend so much time together. I will miss him, too. I wish him lots of luck and fully expect him to visit both in the Petes and at the Cottage.