EDIT @ 5:12pm... see bottom.
I love concord grapes. Other than pumpkin pie they are probably my favourite seasonal fruit. Yum. Sure, they turn my fingers and tongue kind of purple, and they're full of seeds, but my gosh are they ever delicious ! I bought some for the Camp office yesterday and I am pleased to see that the basket is nearly empty. Speaking of seasonal foods, last night Sierra and her Mom, Carrie, came over for pumpkin carving. Sierra enjoyed sorting the seeds from the goop and frequently showed off her orange, slimey hands. We roasted the seeds in the oven and that was a treat I hadn't enjoyed in many a year. I think I was still in single digits the last time I ate home-roasted pumpkin seeds. Yummy !
Anyway, I had an interview today. Actually, I had two interviews. The first one was at an employment agency, the second was at the employer. Both went well, though I'm not sure I did terribly well on the agency's data-entry test, but it was a ponderous, old system quite unlike any data form I've ever filled out. I must have done well enough in order to be sent on to the prospective employer. Both interviews went very well, I have to say, though I am still waiting to hear back as to whether I'll have a paying job to attend on Monday. I actually ENJOYED the interview with the employer and somewhat inconceivably one of the interviewers actually worked with A---- and B------ on the campaign back in Montreal when they were students. The world is small. Very, very small. Hopefully this little bit of synchronisity will help me.
In other, less exciting news, much sadder news, my union local president, Ceceil, at the ROM, just lost her teen-aged son. I'll be attending the funeral tomorrow morning. I don't know any details, only that he was about sixteen years old, and he died this past Saturday. How horrible for her. I can't attend the viewing tonight and missed it yesterday, so the funeral it is. That reminds me, I must buy a card for her.
EDIT: So, I just phoned the agency and spoke to the woman who interviewed me (the agency owner) and she's totally irritated with the employer because after the interview that I nailed, they informed her that there was an internal (no shit) referral who they will interview tomorrow. For the love of Pete, why the heck didn't they disclose this little tidbit of information earlier? As the agency owner said, "They say nothing about the internal when I send them two so-so candidates, but when I send them the perfect candidate? It's not fair to me and it's certainly not fair to you. And I mean 'perfect', okay?" Ya, okay. It's the curse of my life. So, maybe after the funeral, when I'm at the ROM, I'll hear from her and the news will be good.