Alright, it's time to update my Wish List seeing as my birthday is in 18 days. Wow. Time flies, doesn't it? I've replaced the things that are unattainable (like Scarlette's air-conditioning and a 27% reduction to my auto insurance) with things that are. I ask for so little...
01. New drinking glasses.
02. The White Stripes’ “Elephant” cd
03. New, eight inch, double size futon for my couch.
04. Enough money to finally get all my film developed.
05. Kenna’s “New Sacred Cow” cd, available from Sony Music. It might not be available in Canada, in which case it can be ordered from
06. Argyle socks - and I mean FUNKY. You can’t have too many pairs.
07. More freelance contracts - yes, I know, what I really mean is for some of my networking to pay off...
08. A haircut.
09. The Dears’ “No Cities Left” cd
10. People to buy stuff from my store before Cafeshops absorbs what meagre profit I've made.
11. Delibes’ “Lakme” cd, because the Flower Duet is so beautiful.
12. A Swiffer Wetjet. Oh baby, I hate mopping this floor.
13. A size medium Blue Screen of Death shirt from Errorwear.
14. A print of Donato's "The Hobbit: Expulsion" available at his site.
15. A nice, preferably illustrated version, of Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" in it's original text. There's this movement to dumb down books for kids, and I don't want one of those.
There were some other books I wanted, too, but I can't think of them. I wrote them down, but have no idea where.
Last night, we had a bunch of guests over for a video pizza party. Rick and Stew were the only boys, though as Stew seems to collect females. We started with the not very good, but highly amusing Dungeons and Dragons Movie and then followed it up with the delicious Sleepy Hollow. Yes, that is the reason the book is on my list. I downloaded an electronic version of the text, but that's a whole lot less fun. Besides, it's a classic. We had tasty pizza from Cora and they weren't going to deliver because we're about two blocks out of their area, but considering they've been delivering here for over a year, they eventually agreed.
So, I'm thinking about bringing Natasha to my cottage. I'll be up there for about two weeks and I really will have work to do, I suspect. I think there's an internet cafe in Hawkesbury, if I remember correctly, and that way, I actually send stuff off and whatnot. I don't know. Natasha's heavy and I have no idea where I'd put her, but since I don't have a laptop, she's all I've got. I suppose I could take Mom's computer which is smaller, but I hate working on a small monitor. I don't know, I need to discuss it with her. Also, there's a possibility that I will have a temporary job upon my return from the cottage. Yes, that's right. Details have to be hammered out, but it would be something that could ease my burden for at least a couple of months.