Today I woke up with "Estranged", by Guns N Roses, in my head. It's not that unusual if you consider that last night I went on a nostalgia trip and downloaded all sorts of GnR. It's Stew's fault. He started it by trying to download "Paradise City". The MP3 was corrupt so I set about trying to get it for him. It was all down hill from there. I bet many of you would never have suspected me of being a GnR fan, but in fact, they were the very first concert I ever attended (the Nylons when I was eleven do not count) back when I was fifteen. They played in Hamilton and it was a big adventure. I thought it was great at the time, but I had nothing to compare it to. Now, looking back at all the concerts I've attended, that one ranks pretty low. Anyway, there are worse songs to wake up to.
I finally moved almost all of the glow-in-the-dark stars left from Nick's life in this room to new locations, namely, the ceiling. I don't know why he put them all over the walls, but now they're on the ceiling and I've hung the lovely print I bought in Detroit as well as my Mayan Wisdom plaque. I'm much happier about the walls, now. They're not quite so frenetic. I like a little empty wall to look at, you know? It draws attention to the stuff that is there. One day, I'm going to have a house of my own and I will have fantastically decorated walls, but for now, my room is a little nicer than it was and I'm happy about that.
I spent most of yesterday not doing the work I was supposed to do. I thought about it, but I ended up creating a new piece of artwork. Some of you know that I'm not the biggest practitioner of computer generated artwork, 3D work doesn't count and I'm not doing much of it these days. Well, I was flipping through The Story of Painting by Sister Wendy (a fabulous art book that Mom bought me for my birthday a couple of years ago) looking for a bit of inspiration for a commission I've undertaken, when I caught sight of Oscar Wilde's photograph in one of the margins. I had this sudden thought, what if he were an elf? Then, "I could turn him into one !" And so began my little project. I used six seperate photographs (including one of some armour) and photoshopped Oscar's face to be a little more slender and angular... View my "Wilde Fey" here !
Today, before people come over for food and fun later, I have to get some work done. I'll probably have to do work after everyone has gone, too. What is it they say? If you play, you pay. *sigh* There's the truth of it.