Same day, a little later...
I just arrived home from dinner with Eric. I met him at his work and was introduced to his co-workers. I think I made good impressions, especially on the CEO. Go me ! It seems that everyone had a pretty keen sense of humour and one fellow even gave me candy. Mmmmm. I had to wait a bit since Eric had to attend a performance review, or something, but I'm pretty used to him keeping me waiting. He once made me wait outside the SkyDome when he worked for the Jays on a frigid, rainy November day... for over 45 minutes.
After waiting for sometime for the bus to come, before I met Eric, I got thirsty so I hopped into the convenience store. The bus finally arrived and the bus driver watched me leap out of the store, hand up to say 'wait' and just as I got to it, she let the doors close on me. I banged the door before she pulled away, thinking maybe she'd been spaced out and her response, after glancing at me again, was to pull away. My response, "Thanks a lot, bitch !" Then to the women standing talking outside the door, "Did you see that?" They nodded, as surprised by it as I was. Happily, there was another bus just after that one, so I was able to get it's number and I'm going to lodge a complaint. I've been riding the TTC a long time and I'm sick to death of the rude drivers. Sadly, they out number the nice ones, at least in my experience.
There's a storm rolling in and if it crosses over us as it looks like it will, it will probably be a good one. There are nice arcs of lightning and low threatening thunder. Since they called for rain all week, and we've had next to none, hopefully this will actually happen. I LOVE summer storms. I'm glad it has held off until now, mind you, as I walked from Eric's work down at Yonge and Front almost up to Bloor, then back down to Sushi Garden, the little sushi place I liked to go to after the gym, when I had the money.
On the subway back from dinner, I got on with this suited man who looked like a cross between Hugh Grant and Rob Lowe (leaning more to the latter). That in itself was worth mentioning because he was attractive, but he got big points when a blind man got on the subway and "Hugh Lowe" got up first to give his seat and then when then when the man didn't want to take a seat with an owner he guided him to an empty place. Everyone else just stared. I couldn't get out anyway, since I was pinned by a woman in an exotic silk shirt.
Anyway, it's time to get back to work.