Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Well, deary me. Tanya has been doing fun and exciting socialite activities. I am very pleased at how her life has developed since leaving Peterborough and... uh... cutting out the deadwood, so to speak. I really must go and visit her in London sometime soon, which leads me to wonder whether she'll be staying there over the summer. Also, she's apparently been counting the words in my web entries, and one, probably the BIG one from Philly, had a whopping total of something like 1900 words. Yes, that IS an essay. And to think, the web entry, at LEAST as interesting as half of my papers and probably three times more entertaining than most, only took an half hour to write, rather than two days and a night.

Anyway, I'm going to visit my oldest friend (not age-wise, but duration-wise), Kristina, who recently had her baby (Emma Jane). Kris lives out around my cottage, up the next road, in fact. I'm pleased to be going to visit her, which presently seems like it will be over the second weekend of May. I was -supposed- to visit Tracy at the end of April, too, but since she's driving to Florida with Tammy (and not me - *sniff*), she said it wouldn't be worth it. Lord knows I don't see her when she is living in Toronto, so I suppose I'll make due with some time around our birthdays.

Ya, I'm feeling a little sarcastic. It's a pervailing attitude I'm suffering from today, as I'm not in the best of head spaces. I had my tarot cards read, too, by John at Heretic, too, and the reading took an hour. It was very deep, or thick, as John said. It was heavy, is what it was. He simply confirmed all the crap going on in my head and then gave me ways to clear out my junk. And it was about me. It was entirely about my own issues, not those around me, which automatically makes it harder to listen to, and even harder to follow.

Our job description came in at the ROM, and Sara and I have already gone to the president of the union local in order to find out what our options are. In regrading our job, it seems we fell short of the income raise by less than 2 points. Ya. Ask me if I'm pleased. I'm not ! It was quite clearly a situation where they bumped up certain factors that had little weight, rather than those that actually matter, despite what we -actually- do. Imagine that. Gah.

Another thing that didn't please me was that I have been working steadily on my webpage, finally getting it near posting tonight... only it died ! I mean, half-way through the portfolio page I was working on, it ... crashed? No, it just, disappeared. It seems in some moment of lesser concentration, I did something I ought not to have done, and lost the changes I had made. I couldn't recall them, either. The 'undo' button was unselectable, and no amount of digging brought the file back. Frig. Oh well, at least I remember what I'd been doing, and I'd already done the finicky scaling of images, so I'm not too upset. It will be done tomorrow night, before bed, hopefully. I'm only focusing on the portfolio just now, because there are jobs I need to apply to that REQUIRE a webpage for visiting. If things don't work by tomorrow, I'll take my images to Kinkos and print them out for mailing.

Anyway, I see that my cartoon is STILL not up on my mom's union local page. I drew it because I was being pressured for cartoons. It's been a week and a half since it was done. Nevermind. But I'm certainly not going to concentrate on any more requests. That aside, I am very pleased with the webpage, as it's so well written and so... devoid of rhetoric. A nice, fresh change in the world of politics.

This entry is all over the place, so I'm just going to go take myself to bed. I need the sleep or I'll end up even crabbier tomorrow.