So, let's go back and revisit the wedding from a week past - more even. I worked the store that day with a great feeling of fun and frivolity. There was a big sign about the early closing due to the wedding, so people kept coming in and congratulating... me. Duh. People are silly, but I did pass the congratulations onto Sandra later. Rick met me at the store and at 5pm I closed up. We dressed in the store and got everything together. Boy, did we ever look fancy. We cabbed it to the Women's Club of UofT where we saw the wedding party returning from a photo shoot. Inside, there were several tables set up around a largish room, and many people wearing varying degrees of masques - some drugstore costume variety, others more complex, others made by hand to all levels of skill and creativity. Rick and I definitely stood out.
Dinner was good. No, dinner was excellent. Imagine that ! A wedding where we were served a rack of lamb ! Each ! There was wine on the tables, and a cash bar for those more alcoholically inclined, for instance, Melissa, one of the store's jewellers, who got trashed. The speeches went on a bit long, as the floor was opened for all sorts to offer their congratulations and best wishes. Naturally, after the wedding party did their speeches, I got singled out to make the first "open" speech. I think I handled it quite smoothly, with grace, wit, and silliness - that is not an oxymoron, really. I finished it by kissing the bride and groom before returning to my seat.
Dancing was fun, and many more people arrived to participate in the reception, including all the girls from the Children's Own Museum where John (the groom) works. It was fun, though weird to dance on carpeting, but the dj had to close it down a bit early when the fraternity house next door was raided by the police. Hah. People asked to take my photo; apparently my masque simply rocked *blushes demurely*, and I shelled out the money for the photographer to take pictures of me and Rick. It's amazing how good a person can look when you get posed as though you were a real model. Rick's not all satisfied, but I think the photos are amazing. One day, when I figure out how to do it, or rather, take the time to try, I'll put photos into my weblog. Tonight is not that night.
Sadly, following the wedding, I had to pack. That sort of put a damper on things, but overall it was an enjoyable time.
Rick and I saw Julius Caesar on Friday, put on by the Canadian Opera Company. It was good, though I felt the stage direction ... lacked. I would have made it a good deal more visual than it was, with a more creative use for all the screens that were used. Considering it's so costly to attend, it really makes me wonder whether it was quite worth it to attend in body. Not enough, I suspect. The woman playing Caesar was a somewhat limited actress, but her voice was unbelievably rich. One of the countertenors, the fellow playing Cleopatra's brother, Tolomeo, had a voice that caused goosebumps. Yum ! Cleopatra, herself was quite delightful. We did both enjoy it. And it seems there were claques (sp?) in operation in the upper balcony. They shouted ONLY for certain people, regardless of that particular scene/aria was worth it. *laugh* But JEANS? People wore JEANS to a Friday night production. Okay, Wednesday matinee, sure, I'll accept it, but Friday? Christ ! Save me from the unwashed masses ! I mean, people are killing themselves on stage, putting forward their best abilities, the least people can do is dress up.
This just in, Maya's a snob.