Today is a glorious day. I'm not typically one for extreme heat, but since this is the first real hot day of the season, I can get away with feeling some wonderfulness. It's about 30 degrees out (which for you Imperialists is about 85 farenheit). It's more with the humidex. Oh, and it's bright and sunny.
I went for lunch with Christian (one of my old pals from when I worked site sales downstairs at the ROM) and we went to Ned's, a little cafe restaurant that is, I believe, affiliated with Victoria College. We ate outside and proceded to burn in the sun. Yes, within half an hour, we were decidedly pinker than when we initially sat down. We strolled about, and I treated us both to our first soft ice cream cones of the season, which, while not as delicious as real ice cream, is satisfying and delicious in its own way.
We made the mistake of sitting beside a crazy woman who insisted on talking to herself and spitting beside her - long drooly threads of spittle. She didn't -look- crazy, just a little eccentric, but we realised how wrong we were. She took out a tiny bottle of Crown Royal and proceded to drink, spit, drink, spit, and at that point, we left her for another bench. Christian said, "Why would anyone, even a crazy person, spit out Crown Royal?" Good question. Christian was also the first person of the year to make those two absurd comments, "Hot enough for ya?" and "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." Inside, back at the desk, he added to Stacey that it was a "real swelter out there." Christian is awesome. It was nice to actually see him, even for only an hour. He's a good kid.
Anyway, I am feeling somewhat better today than I was last night, but we'll see how I am this evening. I think I'll walk home from the ROM, just to see how long a walk it really is. I figure it must be close to an hour.
Tomorrow I'm going to lunch with Ryan and then we're going to walk around, then I'm seeing Rick and spending the night at his place. Tonight, though, I -must- do my webpage.