Working the main cash is a long shift, though not as long as that of the information desk. I see a lot of people from a lot of places (today including a family from Bermuda, two very funny Dutch lesbians, a family from Australia, etc.), but most of them aren't terribly interesting. There are people who reek of booze and reefer, or cigarettes, others talking around their hotdogs, people with strange body odours... You get the idea. When I worked at Membership I had a few of those, but mostly just expensive drunks. What kind of disappoints me is that here I am, chatting with everyone, greeting everyone, smiling all day, and so many people are so utterly humourless. I told the Dutch ladies that I wished they could just hang out at admissions all day to amuse me. They rocked. But they only just managed to balance out the nasty old man who was very angry about everything.
Now the day is winding down and I'm getting ready to cash out and I'm looking forward to going home and painting fat dragons. I'm going to put aside my money concerns, of which, despite an increase in pay, I still have, and just take it nice and easy. I think maybe with a cup of tea.