Spring has sprung. Aside from the rain and the blooming crocusses, random construction projects have been springing up all around the city. With my sliding door ajar I can hear the robins before dawn and the drills once the sky gets light. Ahhhh, spring. It's going to rain all week and it's raining pretty heavily now, and here I am, knowing that my umbrella is where I left it - in my apartment. I am so clever.
I spent a couple of hours painting Grurl, one of my cute, fat dragons (I should trademark that) while I watched the last half of Pirate Movie and CSI Miami, which was slightly more realistic than it usually is. Grurl sits in a little flower pot, all four feet in the air, tongue lolling out of his mouth. He's a nice, vibrant blue with orange detailing and I gave him plastic stuffed-animal eyes so he looks a little intense. He's pretty cute. I hope someone takes him home from Ad-Astra. I'll try to get some pictures of him and the other ones I've made, too.
This morning I woke up around 7am, which is about an hour earlier than I need to get up, because Stinky was making quite a bit of noise as she wrestled with one of her cat toys. It was the squeaky... um... hampster?... and every so often it let out a pathetic, wheezy squeak. When she'd quite finished with it she dropped herself onto me like a small, soft, sack of sand and went to sleep. She and Porkchop have been getting along much better of late - perhaps the return of spring has raised their spirits. I hear them playing, then they tear into my room, raise some Hell before flying out again, and then the thumping continues in other parts of the house.
I sort of feel like I should be talking about important things. The thing is, I haven't heard back from Fleming College yet as to whether I've been accepted, things haven't moved much on the dead-beat politician issue, I've settled into the new jobs with no drama... This doesn't leave a whole lot to talk about. The most exciting things I can think of these days is my planned trip to New York in June. And even that is only in the conceptual stage. I'm thinking that if I'm there for a week (with Mom) then I might skip over to Philadelphia for two days of that to visit my pal, Megs, and various other people. Too bad it looks like there won't be any exciting temporary exhibits at the Philly Museum of Art, but there do seem to be several interesting exhibitions on at the Met. I might try the Rodin Museum in Philly, too, as I've never been there.