So, the good news is, I got the education job, and for the time being I have agreed to attend the training session though it totally facks up my plans to head back to Peterborough. I'm fairly certain that I'll be able to swing attending only part of the session, afterall, Mom and I have tickets for Cabin Fever in the Petes. It will be tight, but there's a rush-hour bus that should get me there in time. I must find out exactly the kind of hours I can expect to get from this job in order to make sure I can really afford to accept it. It does mean I'll have to leave one of my jobs in Membership if I take it. You see, I've also applied, and will likely get an interview, for another job in the Visitor Services Dept. It will take me out of the selling aspect of Membership and raise my wage and hours enough to make a significant difference to my standard of living. I guess I must do some thinking and talking to my mother about it. How is it that my mother knows how to deal with (nearly) everything?
The house desperately needs to be cleaned. My room is a mess, there's washing that needs to be done... Now that I have all this free time, you would think I'd get on it, right? Wrong. Maybe I'll work on the bathroom tonight. I had a bizarre migraine dream about living in a house with a whole bunch of people, most of whom I like, only there was this wacky disaster (a weather event, or something) and the house needed immediate and serious attention. In this dream I was the chief Swifferer. It was quite disgusting the muck we were Swiffering up, but I guess there was a little of my conscious thought seeping into my dreamtime. Anyway, my house is not full of muck, or lots of people, but two cats, one of whom sheds like she's got a disease, make a house pretty hairy, as does a pair of long-haired humans. And as for the laundry, I really am putting off the walk to the laundromat. It's a walk just long enough to make me dread it, especially with icy sidewalks. I know, I'm a wimp. I guess I've got no choice but to buck up and go clean my clothes on Sunday. Tomorrow, I'll pick up my drycleaned pants. It's a start. We're talking baby-steps, here, but a start nonetheless.
You are a faerie of the flame. You tend to lose
your temper at the littlest thing, hot-headed.
You're a loyal friend to those who can
understand your raging moods. You're social
though claim not to be. You are no one else but
yourself and sometimes you try to hard to be
just that. You're a passionate friend, and
would do almost anything for those you care
What's your inner Faerie?
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In case it was wrong, I thought I'd try another one... Guess there's no denying it.
You are the Fire Faerie!
Sorting Faerie
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