The impatience continues. You know, once one makes a life-choice one wants to move forward with it. There is certainly a feeling of stasis. I got my letter from Fleming College saying my application was received and now the waiting continues. I want to know for sure if I'll be going. I want to know for sure if I'll be moving home. I want both these things to happen -now- and nothing I can do will change the fact that I just have to be patient. I am still in relief from contract work, and while there is a nice feeling of 'what to do now' I cannot shake the need to be busy. It seems I got rather used to it. I never would have dreamed it possible, but I do not enjoy the vacant period of time each day that I spend wondering how to fill it. To compound this problem, I seem to be suffering from Artist Block. I want to draw, but I just end up drawing dumb stuff not worth finishing. So I think about the projects I want to do and then can't start them. Frustrating. I can't seem to write, either. I have been dingling about with my webpages, but it's not exactly stimulating dingling. Last night, while watching a special West Wing that did not suck and a CSI: Miami that sucked less than usual, I managed to sculpt a little dragon out of Sculpey clay. Unfortunately, it's the kind of cute, fat dragon that makes me want to puke. But, once painted, I'll probably be able to sell it, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. And, it was an exercise in creativity, so that was a change.
There is the possibility of further, future creativity as I screen-captured a bunch of good images featuring Moaning Myrtle from Chamber of Secrets. This, of course, is a long-running costume design that I have had. I have not the sewing skills, however; to pull it off. Nicole, on the other hand, does. Nicole is also moving into a new loft and I will be helping her paint it. This means a possibility of barter. Also, I plan to help as much as I can as sewing is a useful skill that I could only benefit in having. Anyway, that should be fun. Hopefully I'll be able to get it together for Ad-Astra, a good place to try out new costumes. Actually, I've never worn a real costume there, or at any convention, only sort of dressed up vaguely along a thematic line. I will also be exhibiting artwork at the show as before. Hopefully, fat, cute, cheesy dragons will sell well. I hate that I just said that. Gah. I'll be showing some of the older works and a few of the LotR works I exhibited at The Gathering of the Fellowship back in December.
The cats are getting along nicely, with the occasional ambush; Willi's settled in again and no longer mopes about. In fact, every morning she plays on my bed thus waking me up. It's very cute, if a bit irritating, and demonstrates her good humour. The game only improves if I happen to decide to play along. Today, since I didn't have to go to work, I got woken up around nine o'clock by her jovial bouncing, and when she settled down I went back to sleep. This meant that she got to do it all over again when I woke up three hours later or so. Cute, cute, cute. Also, I should mention that Tobe is now allowed to share the bed with Stinky, which makes me very hot at night.
Anyway, enough rambling about nothing, Rick is here and he is clearly impatient to be going for sushi because he's making dumb comments and staring at me with meaning.