To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
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It seems sort of fitting, even though on preview the picture isn't working, I suppose, since I am not enamoured with the Tolkien elves, that I come out Numenorean. Not too shabby. It's also a fitting introduction to this post since I've got the Gathering on my mind. Next Sunday is for vendors and artists to set up, of which I am both. At first I couldn't understand why, but then I remembered that the convention actually begins Monday morning and that wouldn't give us much set-up time. I have four pieces of art going into the art show/competition which means four pieces of artwork needing frames. I went into my favourite framing place and discussed at length, with the owner's wife, the best and cheapest way to have them framed. In the end, I was pursuaded to have them framed custom, because looking at the cost of the pre-fabricated frames and knowing that they would not be well matched to the actual size of the pieces, it just made more sense. This way, while they all match, the frames will actually suit the pictures. She waived the tax and gave me a discount as well, but it will still be a lot more money than I had hoped to pay. On the other hand, I was going to print my Christmas cards at Kinkos, but $45 plus tax is too much for what I wanted/needed. So, I called up Nick and he's going to print them for me for probably half that amount. Hooray for Nick !
If, by some very lucky chance, all my clients pay me this week, I will be very well off and will certainly be able to afford not only the masquerade ball and banquet but maybe even some goodies, too. Here's hoping. Still no word on the rent business or our new landlords, either. Aparently, Arthur, our old landlord, came around today and from what Stewart could make out of his conversation with the people downstairs, they don't want who ever it is that is living in the garage to continue living there. I also think that they haven't quite taken possession of the house because though the new people had taken Arthur's EZY-Bins sign out of the lawn and put it with the trash, he's gone and stuck it back in. Maybe it changes over on the 15th of the month. That could explain things at any rate, but it would still be nice to know for sure. Anyway, what this directly means to me is that in case of an emergency, I have most of this month's rent still sitting around waiting to be paid. And, since I have promises of payments by all my clients for the 15th, or so, this is very good. Heck, if I'm VERY lucky, I'll have enough to pay NEXT month's rent too. It's really too much to hope for.
Anyway, for those of you keeping count, today was the fifth migraine in as many days. I haven't had a series of clusters like this in years. Today was by far the worst, too, and I was stuck at the ROM, once more painting the faces of children. I had to take a twenty minute break after taking my medication in order to escape the screaming, cackling, joyous noises of the kids, parents, musicians, and other so-and-sos. I fled to the Membership office where I could sit in the semi-dark in complete quiet. Richard made me do it. He said, "Don't tell me you're alright. You don't look alright. Go lie down." At first I did argue, but as it got worse before the meds kicked in, I realised he was right. Joane tried to be helpful and went upstairs with me to Membership; I'm not sure why she did, perhaps to make sure I got there alright, I don't know. She proceded to tell me all about reflexology and told me to squeeze the bit of flesh web between thumb and index finger and do breathing exercises. Okay, I do the breathing, I have for a long time, but only a person who has never suffered a migraine would tell me to squeeze that bit of my hand. It does not work. It really doesn't. If I had a buck for everone who's told me to do this... Well, rent would be paid, let's just say. I've tried. MANY TIMES. Darkness, silence, sleep, a lack of stress: these are things that help. Oh, and medication. Anyway, I was okay to keep working once my painkiller kicked in.