I am sitting in the living room of my apartment, the Stinky Bee bathing herself atop some rather crinkly plastic bags on the couch. On the television is The Fellowship of the Ring and it is nearing its end. The Uruk-hai are in pursuit of the hobbits, the fellowship is about to be broken. In the oven, making pleasant baking smells, are my latest batch of dough ornaments. I am working on Stew's laptop, which I have named Clowe (pronounced Klo) for lack of a better name. I'm having one of those moments where I realise that things are okay. In fact, they're more than okay.
Though my family is small and widely dispersed, I am loved. I have half-sisters whom I care about very much, a mother with whom I can share everything - and do. I have been invited, for the umpteenth time, to visit my Godmother and her son in California. Each time, she sweetens the deal, this time with the offer of a house to stay at in old San Fran where I might housesit and remain for an indefinite period of time. What my family lacks in numbers is amply compensated for by the friends I have gathered around me. True, some have lost touch, but others have regained contact, and many I am lucky enough to love and to be loved by them.
While sometimes the path is unclear, I have the skills and talents that will never fail me. I have an education and wisdom gained through living. Unfocused though I may be, something will come. I have good feelings about this coming year. I believe it will be a year of more than just healing, but true growth. I will take risks and I will branch out. Something is going to happen, and it will be good.
I am going to be alright. I am lucky, even when I can't see it, deep down, I know it. Here is hoping that all my loved ones feel the same way as I do and that their holiday season, whatever their faith or practices be, is a happy one.