Monday, May 12, 2003

Well, I ate the pickle but opted to work on a crossword rather than draw. A crossword either gets done or frustrating, meaning it gets put down, whereas starting a drawing could have me at it for hours and two in the morning is not the time for that. I didn't get very far in the puzzle, mind you, as suddenly my brain kicked out for the night.

I've done a tiny update to my homepage.

There is good news on the Cat Front. Willi and Tobe are sorting things out. Stew and I clipped their nails today, Tobe being the bigger problem (and not just because she's rotund) and required Stew to don oven mitts for holding her while I gingerly attacked her talonous claws. Last night, after he'd left for work, Tobe spent much of the evening looking out the sliding door in my room while Willi slept on my bed. They were aware of each other, but there was not hissing until they both came to offer me some love at the same time. Willi got a bit territorial over me and Tobe left. It seems Stew found them both sitting on the stairs, which means that they're definitely learning to share space. Huzzah ! Beyond this, Willi has been getting up to her typical antics. Today, while I was going through the job classifieds, she dug herself under some discarded newspaper as though it was a little army tent, or something, with her nose peeking out on one side. I just kept discarding pages onto her as I went and she kicked at them and wrapped herself up in them like an hors d'oeuvre.

I got a fair amount of work done for Booboo last night and I think he's pleased with it. We're having a little trouble witht he photographs he's sent me, however; as they're of terrible quality. It's not even worth trying to encorporate them into the package because they will detract from the overall design simply by being a pixel soup. Anyway, he assures me that new photos can come in about a week's time. Also, B______ has got me doing a leaflet for a South Asian event that's happening next week. I have to have it done by Wednesday at 5pm. It is a single-pager so it should not be too difficult, barring unusual circumstances.

Rick's coming over tonight and we're going to make dinner. I've got to go out and pick up some veggies and some meat for a stirfry. This is the only reason I'm going to brave the out-of-doors today as the weather took a dramatic and unpleasant turn. It's cold and wet, the kind you just want to sleep through. But, since I have all my work done, I can kill the day with lounging and maybe working on that drawing I avoided last night. I've got a couple of hours before I absolutely must go out to get food and have nothing but a shower planned. It feels like a Sunday - how lovely !