I was early to work today, though not of my own choosing. I like to get to work on time, but the Dufferin bus usually conspires to either get me there late, or later than that. Today, due to its unfailingly bad schedule, there were tons of people at every stop and the bus reached capacity shortly after I got on allowing us to rocket down the street, not picking up any more passengers. So, I got to work early, but not early enough to get my muffin and coffee before starting.
I just did something strange, which is not in and of itself particularly unusual; I wrote Leonard Cohen some fan mail. His website makes it pretty easy with a contact form and everything, and goodness knows, he probably doesn't even read his own mail, but whatever. I am feeling kind of wacky today and just decided to do it on a whim. My mom knew the guy back in Montreal, and I've sort of been surrounded by him through his poetry on her shelf and stories and whatnot, and sometime ago, I went out and bought an album. And then another. And I was talking about him with Liz, the intern, and discussing Nancy White's very amusing song, Leonard Cohen's never gonna take my groceries in, all because I'm listening to a live album of his out of Liz's collection. Gah. I'm such a dork.
Briefly, on the subject of music, I just thought of a band name that I might like to have, were I ever to have a band: Inconnu. I did a very quick google search and it seems there might already be a band of that name, but the sites are in German. Odd, with a French name. Of course, my all-time favourite were-I-to-have-a-band name is Pinstripe Truck. Don't ask, I never did come up with a reason why.
Rick came over last night and we made a tasty beef stirfry full of delicious things like red pepper, snowpeas, mushroom and green onions. I find I get very territorial over his using my kitchen for cooking and I do try not to give him too many 'helpful' hints, but you know, he's got his cooking style and I've got mine. Neither are bad, neither are wrong, but they aren't the same and in my kitchen, it bugs me that he's not doing as I would have him do. Anyway, all was well and dinner was nummy and CSI is a good show and was on last night, though it's not the normal night, and we had fun.
The cats continue to do their cat thing, though they can share room space now. Pork Chop comes into my room to look out the window and Willi doesn't freak. They can sit by each other at an arm's distance so long as they pretend they can't see one another. It's pretty amusing. But, one toe across the invisible line and it's spit'n'hiss, claws out. Stinky guards my bed when I first get into it, stationing herself at its foot in order to watch my door. Tobe is not allowed to come near the bed when I'm in it. All this observing of cats makes me feel like something of a naturalist, my childhood dreams of growing up to be Gerald Durrell coming true. Well, not really, but I do have one other amusing cat story to add.
Currently, in the bathroom, both litterboxes (Willi's and Tobe's) are set up. I'm not sure why this is, or for how much longer this will go on, but for now, that's the situation. We had thought that they tended to stick to their own boxes, and mostly this holds true, until last night. I turned to go into the bathroom in order to get a cup of water for bed and stopped because Tobe was in Willi's box having a pee. I waited, for what purpose I don't know since I could have gone into the kitchen, but I was set on getting water in the bathroom. When Pork Chop was done, her pee sufficiently burried, she hopped out... only to hop into the other box. I looked at Rick and laughed, thinking it was pretty silly, but then when I realised that she had switched boxes in order to have a poop, I couldn't believe it. One box for pee? The other for poop? You have got to be kidding, I thought, but indeed, Tobe went out of her way to use both boxes.
Cats are so weird.