Saturday, March 29, 2003

Today, on the CBC's DNTO, they're playing anti-war songs, several of which are available on the internet. It's pretty interesting and poignant. I'd offer you the websites, but I'm afraid I missed them. The one that is currently playing, which I assume is called "Jacob's Ladder, not in my name", but I could be wrong, I really like. Oh, it's Chumbawumba. Well, there you go. Anyway, it's been excellent listening while I've been working on Booboo's thank you cards. I'm supposed to use a pseudonym for him because, well, I dunno, so I'm going with Booboo, who is not to be confused with Ryan (Poopy, also the nickname of family cat, Melody). Of course, if you delve back into my archives, you'll easily figure out who "Booboo" is.

Last night, Rick took me out for a movie and dinner. It was nice. On my suggestion, we went to see Miyazaki's Spirited Away, the film that won for best animated feature. It was dubbed to English, but this time I didn't really mind since the voice acting was very good. I'd still like to see it subtitled, though, just to see what was changed. It was beautifully animated, no surprise coming from Miyazaki (Princess Mononoke and My Neighbour Totoro among many others), and decidedly weird-ass, also no surprise. It was funny, but also sad and lovely, and makes no attempt to keep it all straight for the viewer. The audience is expected to keep up with the oddities and quick direction changes. If you can't put aside your sense of reality, don't bother. If Crouching Tiger bothered you because of the improbably flying, ect., first, you need to loosen up and, second, this movie is way more bizarre. Sure, it's animated, which helps bridge that gap, but it's probably not for everyone. Anyway, I can't gush enough about the movie, so I'll just say that it's great and if you're my friend, chances are, you'll like it.