Spring is here, yes indeed ! I noticed, yesterday, that things were starting to poke out of the soil and this morning, I woke up to the mingled sounds of robins, blue jays, and crows. And Willi.
I worry for the jays and crows as they are highly vulnerable to West Nile with a 0% chance of surviving the disease. The idea of a world without them is quite depressing. I can only hope, though, that like so many things in nature, a balance is reached. I love crows.
"Ooh, Ms. Bris - a SPARKLY !"
Anyway, there's about a 90% likelihood that my pal Stewart will be moving into my apartment when Nick leaves. We're looking at May, I think. Stew hasn't actually come to see the place yet, but he will on Wednesday, which will give us some MUCH needed cleaning time. I will be moving into Nick's room when he's gone, and I've already got plans for the walls - the Satanic red paint is mostly going to go. I just can't take it in such doses. I think I'll leave one wall, though, and I bought a bunch of greatly reduced goodies from the ROM shops, which are closing in a couple of days. I have a wide array of rubber lizards and such, as well as a nice fake plant that can be cut up and used as wall cover. Trust me, it sounds weird, but it's going to be cool, and it's only going to take up a small corner of wall space.
Ever have those moments when you're doing something like driving your car, or sitting on the loo, or staring at nothing while you're walking down the street, and you get struck by an almost-inspiration? It's not quite a fully formed thought, not something that you can easily write down because it's only half there. It twitches and tickles in the peripheries of your mind, taunting you, trying to make you bring it into cohesion and just when you think you've got it - it's gone again, dancing somewhere else. Vague ideas come to mind and you try to make sense of them, but none of them come together the way that one almost-inspiration would, you just know it; if only you could wrap your head around it...
I've been having a lot of those lately.