Heading to Guelph tonight ! Hurray ! I'm going to visit with Tracy. Initially it was to be for the whole weekend, but her father's birthday is tomorrow night and I have more work to be doing so we're driving back together in the afternoon on Saturday. Willi should be suitably upset by my absense. Little does she know that I'll be gone for most of a week over Thanksgiving. Poor girl. I'll miss her, but on the other hand, I'll enjoy getting a full night's sleep several nights in a row.
Speaking of work, which I really wasn't speaking of, I'm quite pleased. I've been working on the ICC site and had to play within the bounds of the current website template. It's a very boring template, but it's teaching me many things. I used CSS for the first time (cascading style sheets) ever. I used a tutorial first, and then recreated the ones I used in the original site. I was surprised at how easy they are to use, which, I suppose, is the point. Julian's had a look at the page and aside from a couple of typos that will be fixed tomorrow night, he thinks it looks good. Also, he's ammenable to the use of images. So, I'm going to try to get a hold of some on Monday. I was thinking of creating a sort of photo montage that can be a transparent image underneath the text. A good idea, I think, and quite tasteful.
If all goes well, I might actually be able to play D&D on Sunday, but I'm not sure. I'd like to, but first I'd like to find my character sheet. Arg ! Why is it that the important things are the first to disappear? *wink*