At half past four yesterday afternoon, I received the revised Call for Submissions. Finally. I didn't do anything with it last night since Rick was coming over so tonight's the big night. Tonight I get busy !
We watched West Wing last night, and, as usual, it was good. We watched part of that horrible Amazing Race show, and as they introduced the people, I knew I didn't care. Though, I kind of hope the strict Baptist and his gay son win. We flipped to that 50 Years of the CBC thing hosted by Rick Mercer. It was kind of funny. Last night was CBC television during the 70s. Tonight it will be the 80s. If I watch anything, though, it will likely be the CSI show. Going back to Rick Mercer for a moment, I have to wonder, why is he the CBC's golden boy lately? Yes, his Talking to Americans was funny, but I'm not sure I understand the love affair. Oh well.
Willi broke my spider plant. Again. It seems her widening hips make it hard for her to judge where to land and how to turn about on the window sill. Looks like I'll have to bite the bullet and go buy some potting soil and a new pot on Sunday. It's a good thing spider plants are nearly impossible to kill. It just goes right on sprouting babies and flowers. Rick was a good guy and cleaned up the mess that Willi had made. I couldn't deal with it this morning, not if I wanted to be on time, anyway. Big smoochy thanks to Rick for taking care of the plant.
What does one do with an incredibly irritating, adorable cat? She drives me so insane at night that I dream of declawing her. I absolutely hate declawing cats, because it mutilates their paws. I do understand that there is a new way to do it that leaves the joints intact, and I might even consider it because she can get agressive, be horribly destructive, and drives me out of my mind when she picks the bottom of my door to wake me up at night. I don't know. I love her to pieces, but she really is a pain in the ass. Oh well, who needs to sleep anyway, right?