Ya, I know. I haven't written. *sigh* I just had so much going on last week that I haven't had the time or energy to write in here. I hope I'll get back into the swing of things soon. There was a mock interview... the REAL interview. There was me DM'ing a campaign for the first time in three years... I don't know. Somewhere in there sake was imbibed. It was busy.
And there were nuns at the ROM today. The World Youth Day calebrations are going to start up soon and it's like they're practicing at the ROM at the Images of Salvation exhibit. It's going to be insane. Oh, also, opening tomorrow, at the Textile Museum will be Moral Fibre, an exhibit where both Sandra and Nicole (of Heretic and Nocturnalia) will have pieces on display. Apparently, my dragon masque will be featured in a photo, too. Hey neat.
Okay, make due with that. I'm going to bed.