This is an entry I've been trying to publish since Monday the 22nd. Silly Blogger. Maybe by changing my template, it will work. Here's hoping, though I rather liked the old one.
I still haven't really felt like writing of late, which I'm certain is more than a bit apparent. Anyway, I'll do my duty and enter a bit of something.
I'll tell you about the interview. Basically, it went really well, lasting an hour and fifteen minutes with a lot of back and forth question and answer. I was so nervous going in, but soon warmed up to the whole thing. My interviewers were extremely nice, well spoken and not lacking in humour. I think I really impressed them and, as hard to believe as this is, apparently, I was the only candidate (up to that point) to bring in a portfolio. When I came out, I was so pleased, nauseous, but pleased. I thanked Richard and Peter profusely for their help with the mock interview - it was invaluable. Then I persuaded Stacey to eat sushi and have some sake with me in celebration of a good interview. Regardless of whether or not I get the job, the interview was excellent and I am pleased.
I will probably hear back about this job sometime this week. Do I think I'll get it? To be honest, no. That said, I was asked if I were only interested in that specific position or whether, should another become available, I would consider a different position in the same department. Duh, of course ! Well, I said it a little more eloquently than that. ;)
I'll just skip ahead now, because I can't really remember all that went on last week. I went home after Heretic on Thursday night, packing up Willi and my laundry (not together, mind you) and stuffing them into the car. Scarlette got a new blower motor put in on Friday so I have the luxery of air conditioning once again. Joy ! Then, basically, my plan was to work on art. I went to Ridpath's, an art supply store in the Petes, and picked up some Sculpey (polymer clay that hardens when cooked in the oven) and some illustration board.
I started with the sculpey that night, sitting down and trying to figure out how to do a head. It has been a very, very long time (like ten years, at least) since I worked with clay (FIMO doesn't count) and it was a bit of a challenge remembering how to do it. It's a question of building up, not carving out, but once I got it, I was flying. I created a little head, then left it at that for the evening in order spend some quality time with Mom.
I went riding at Kerri's on the Saturday. That was fun. Twice in a month ! Woo, amazing. I rode Velvet for the first time in a long time. She's newly pregnant again, something that makes her rather moody personality quite pleasant, but she's out of shape because thanks to her arthritis, mostly only newbies ride her. She was happy to be worked, but she didn't have the stamina to keep it up. Then again, neither do I. The nice thing about riding Velvet is that I don't ride in a helmet when I ride her. For one, she's lower to the ground than the other horses I ride, and for another, I know her so well that I have no fear of her being unpredictable. She just... isn't.
I got a bit of sun stroke, though, and when I came home, I passed out on the veranda recliner for an hour and a half, and when I woke up, I hadn't the energy to do anything. I drew in the garden, but that was about it. I don't even know how I spent that night. It's a haze.
Sunday, I gave my sculpey man a body, using wire to add strength to some of his limbs. The whole sculpting process took about seven hours and then I cooked him in the oven for a little over an hour. I figured that when the top of his head was starting to brown, he was ready. *laugh* I'm extremely pleased with how well he turned out. Heck, I'm proud. For a first attempt, he's more than good. Go me ! I spent that evening scanning old photos for Mom and printing them on photo paper. She's putting together an album for Jean at the cottage. It's going to be a lovely gift.
Anyway, I'll leave you with this link to my new Elfwood page. Ya. Another one. This one is sci-fi stuff. I'll probably get one for my written stuff, too. Heh. This week, though, I have GOT to get Ray's page worked on. Grr. I just haven't had the energy. I hope this entry was satisfactorily lengthy and now I won't have people whining. What? My friends whining? Impossible. *grin*