Okay, I'm getting complaints now for not updating my weblog. You know who you are. Yeesh. Anyway, my excuse is as follows: I didn't feel like it. Hah. Basically, I wasn't in the right head space to be writing and I was trying to use my time for more useful pursuits, such as doing the resume beat, seeing Rick, and working. Did I mention that I only got one day off between work weeks this time? Things at the store haven't been the greatest, and frankly, I have no intention of repeating the emotional crap. Suffice to say that Mark managed to say a log ot things that got me really upset and then the following day, Nicole made a special trip to the store to see if I was okay, and to find out if Mark's freaking out was warranted. Gah.
I ran into Sandra and John at Java House today, though, and they had a great time in New York, and Sandra got enough commission work to at the very least finance the trip. Good for them !
Here's a bit of news, I did some updating of my portfolio, fixing the broken stuff and whatnot, as well as getting an Elfwood site up and running. Elfwood is a massive repository of fantasy and sci-fi artwork that is used by both amateur and professional artists and is absolutely free. It's excellent. People are already commenting on my art ! Whee ! I look forward to the negative comments as well as the positive ones. I'm interested in improving, afterall. Anyway, this is it for the entry. Willi is yelling at me, even though it isn't snack time yet. Mostly, I think she feels she hasn't had enough quality time, which is probably true. I'm off again. I promise to write more soon.