The insanity ! Megs-in-Philly wrote me an email to tell me she couldn't find my website, but THAT isn't important... the other thing her email contained was... a link to my Sith Academy story, "Emaul".
Translated into Russian.
Imagine my surprise at being a translated author even before being published ! Anyway, sure enough, there it was. See it here, if you don't believe me. Unbelievable. The site owner was kind enough to supply the original title, in English, as well as my writing credit. So, while I jumped about in thrilled surprise, a little part of my brain said, "That's copyright infringement." Ah yes, indeed it is. But, since I have no real problem with having my work filtered around the web, I wasn't about to tell the owner (whose email took a bit of time to find as I surfed through the main site, highlighting intelligeable links to see what they were), so long as it goes un-altered (not sure how translation fits into that) and I get credit (which I did). I did ask that since no one had asked for my permission, it would only be fair to link to the original story at the SA as well as linking to my homepage. We'll see whether or not he (she?) listens. Also, because I am more dutiful than is healthy, I alerted the owner of the SA to the fact that there are a few other stories gleaned from her site.
Anyway, that's about all I feel the need to write about. I'm not managing to get much done tonight. I'm really tired. By the way, if you surf to the Sith Academy and click on the Art Gallery: Shockwave link, you will find two amusing animations. The bottom one is NOT something to be viewed at work, or at least not until your colleagues have gone home. :)