You know what's weird? My CAT is weird. She's sleeping in my bookshelf right now. Between the books. Bizarre.
Anyway, I just thought I would add to the proof that the world is absolutely going insane. Holland had it's first political assassination. While part of me cheers because he was a right-wing, half-facist bastard, assassination is still disgusting. At least, for a change, it wasn't one of the good guys being shot, but I doubt the man's family would agree. It's sad. The Netherlands have been such a voice of reason to the world since the second world war, and now everything is turned upsidedown. It wasn't enough that the entire parliament had resigned due to their belief that they were responsible for a Yugoslav town's sacking. They were unprepared, but it wasn't their fault. Even the best guardians can fail sometimes. But now this.
On a positive note, an old Gestapo officer has been put on trial in Hamburg, Germany. Naturally, he's giving the 'only following orders' excuse. I can accept it from a nazi soldier. The soldiers were just that, soldiers. Most of them were the remains of a tattered and impoverished army that was happy to serve again, for a while, anyway. But the Gestapo? Hah, not quite your average infantry, I'm afraid. Okay, so maybe this wasn't exactly positive, but it wasn't exactly negative, either.
I think I want to say a lot of things, to talk about a lot of things that are upsetting me, but there's hardly a way for me to express it in even half-accurate words. Last Friday, outside the ROM, there was a group of Muslim and Jewish people standing in a peaceful protest to have the war in Israel/Palestine brought to a close. It made me sad. I don't know what's wrong with people. Part of me doesn't want to contemplate the world I'm entering into.
Well, now that I've brought the general mood down, I'll just go away. Tomorrow I have a dinner/drinks date with Stacey, from the ROM. We haven't socialised in months, so this will be good. Another good thing is that my half-sister, Gina, emailed me a picture of her from around Christmas time. My God, she is beautiful. She is stunning. I hope she, and Nicole (the youger one), pass through adolescence without succumbing to the awful things this world has to offer. It would be a tragedy. Anyway, it's very nice to be talking to them again, and now with the regularity of email, it's even better. It's more immediate, and sometimes more candid.
Anyway, I've wasted another few minutes, putting off going to bed for no good reason. Goodnight, lovers.