I was out with Stacey tonight. It was good fun. I was really late to meet her, though, because the Dufferin bus just stinks to high heaven. First I wait for nearly 20 minutes, during rush hour, no less, and then three pass the stop because they're too full to take more passengers. Hello, do you see a problem here? I think that maybe MORE buses for rush hour would be a help. Meh, what do I know?
I ended up sleeping until sometime after 1pm, which was sooooo nice. Oh man. I did some chores, and then showered before leaving to meet Stacey. We walked from the ROM to Sneaky Dee's for dinner - the marvellous King's Crown nachos and the Veggie Plate. Oh, wow, so delicious it was ! We each had a pint of Amsterdam, hers blonde, mine nut brown. It's a nice, rich ale without being too heavy. No, the nachos were plenty heavy. I may never get out of this chair again, I'm so full. I'm amazed I made it home at all.
Tomorrow, I'm going to get Star Wars tickets for myself, Rick, and Tanya, and if Al and Carrie call, maybe they'll come too. I'm still going to see if I can track down some other people to join us. Maybe I'll call Eric M. He used to be so much fun at movie openings. And hey, maybe Nick will come... and Evelyn ! Whee. I shall ask. Actually, I don't even know if Evelyn is for sure coming to visit, but, whatever.
Anyway, I must get some stuff together to take with me tomorrow for home and cottage. It's not going to be all fun, I have to go up and check out the damage to the deck and the beaver situation. Apparently it's really, really bad. Well, I'll go up on Saturday and have a look.