I've been depressed today. All the snow melted and it drizzled all day. It was horrible. My mother sent me an email about SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), which was fairly well timed to my malaise. Perhaps I need a light visor. All the kids'll want one.
Unfortunately, just at this moment, I looked up at Veronica (aka. Scabies) the palm tree that I rescued from Neil Young (a noctural architecture student at UofT) five years ago. It seems Scabies has been affected by SAD, as well. It's horrible. She's been dying and I couldn't see it. I fear she's rotted from the inside. One of her limbs seems to have collapsed in on itself and her still bushy head has flopped over. The other limb seems to be approaching the same fate. It makes me sad.
She was a good tree.