Sunday, December 16, 2001

I just got back from doing things with Nick, and previous to Nick, with Rick. Naturally, after D&D (which was super fun - it's been a while since I played with less than seven people), Rick spent the night. It was good, though marred by my dreaming of pimples in my armpits. I. Don't. Know.

Nick met me at the eeval UofT bookstore, where I'd been searching for one, or ANY, of the books that David wanted for Christmas. *sigh* A bit frustrating, that search, but I will try again tomorrow, when I run a bunch of errands that I didn't get to today because I was seeking books. Anyway, we tried the World's Biggest Bookstore and Indigo, to no avail, but as I said, I will try once more tomorrow. Following that, we walked back to my place, where we are now, foot-sore and in good spirits. I haven't made it to school yet tonight, and as it's going, might not, now. Nick's brought out his CDs and I'm finally sitting down... and I like it.

On the way home, we ran into some Orthodox Jewish fellows who were standing outside their Campervan. I looked at Nick and my eyes lit up when I realised they were... Lubavitchers ! Naturally, they stopped us and asked us if we were Jewish, and Nick said yes, at which I must have looked fairly surprised - he IS, technically, well that and Lutheran, but since he's sort of an atheist, it's all a bunch of tasty foods to him. I said yes, too, and was presented with a box. A menorah, because, this is the last night of Hanukkah (a spelling I prefer because I like the letter K, rather than Chanukah). I accepted the box and offered up a donation (thanks Nick), and went on our way. Apparently there are actually TEN Mitzvah Mobiles in the area, but I'd never seen one in Toronto before. Yay for the Lubavitch Jews !

When we got to my house, I decided to open up the box and celebrate the last night of Hanukkah, as I ought to. The menorah looks NOTHING like the one on the box, not really surprising, for something technically free. Anyway, this one is much, much niftier ! It's so tacky and ... tin. It came with candles, though, which is a very nice touch on their part. I used my last match to light the shamesh candle... and then the match flickerd out. Bah. Being the sketchy poor student I am, on Nick's suggestion, I used the gas range in my kitchen to light the candles. Presently, due to the menorah being cheap and my having little on which to set it that would, a) not set something on fire and, b) not cause wax to drip everyhere, the whole thing's burning in my sink.

BURNING IN MY SINK. I think that out to be an album name.

Anyway, when I'd said the blessing over the candles and we'd set them into the sink, Nick said, "This is the BEST Christmas EVER !" And we were pleased.

The End.