Well, I've come up with a final project/portfolio piece for my class. I've got a little under two months to complete it and it isn't going to be easy at all. I've already done a very rough storyboard for it, but I'm going to redo it at home in a much more careful sort of way. Maybe I'll even try redoing it in Photoshop. Hey, that would be neat.
Anyway, it's a project that will handily combine my art history (and to a lesser extent, archaeology) background with my art/3D skills. It will require careful attention to lighting/shading needs and no doubt will nearly kill me on the modeling front. I'm going to have to study the way people move very carefully, and I might even borrow someone's camera (my own?) and do a few rolls of film in sequence to see exactly how a person moves. When it's all done, the whole thing can become a portfolio... the entire process. From the original images that spawned the idea to the photos that will act as reference, to the storyboard(s), and finally a finished piece that hopefully won't suck. It will make me concentrate on every aspect of computer animation from the model to the animation itself.
I'm being positive today, persuading myself that I can, indeed, do this project. I have the time, and hopefully I have the drive as well. Luck !