It happened while I was at work. What happened? Oh, just a little something I like to call an eviction notice.
Glen phoned me at work to give me the wonderful news. Joy. Despite me having expected it, certainly for a month, it hit me like a ton of bricks. A heavy ton of bricks. Maybe something more like two tons. Are metric tonnes heavier? Whichever one is heavier is the one that hit me. Is there good news in all of this? I suppose, if anything, it's that we were given more than 60 days. We have to be out by January 31, 2002. Well, I'm sure I'll think of something before then.
I phoned Nick and he collected me at Heretic in order to distract me. At my house, I heated up some barbequed chicken and made a salad into which I chopped an apple. It wasn't exactly gourmet, but it did the job. He stayed and watched 'West Wing' with me, and he liked it (what's not to like, it's awesome), and we sort of watched 'Law and Order' too. He remarked something along the lines of, "Are shows better now, or have I just been watching crap?" Heh, no Nick, they're not better, but at my house, I try to make my viewing time worthwhile.
While I was making dinner for Nick and I, Glen dropped in (he really is like the sitcom wacky neighbour) to ask me about what I wanted to do about future living arrangements. I explained that ultimately, I'd rather find my own place, but that I was open to the roommate option. I also told him that I didn't want to talk about it right then because we had a little time before it required attention. So much for me taking time after school ends to take a holiday. I'll be figuring out where my stuff goes. I need to talk to my mom about the whole thing. That's what Moms are for. I miss her sometimes. A lot.